Tracey Woods (Australia)
CCD AiR - 7th - 17th December, 2024
My CasCaDas residency is a part of a larger project that is focussed upon devising an ‘Atlas of Events’ - developing a continuous register of live changes to the landscape which offer opportunities to forecast, predict and potentially mitigate future detrimental changes to the environment.
Whilst at CasCaDas I used the space to organise imagery from two locations, geographically diverse locations. The images, all printed on trace, a medium that softens colours and allows for a sense of temporality and movement through overlays, ranged from landscapes and vegetation to soil profiles and infrared wildlife captures. These images gradually overtook the exhibition space, undergoing multiple transitions of reorganisation in an exploration of textures, patterns, and possible ‘events’.
A trip, via rail, from Barcelona to Madrid provided landscape imagery, taken at 10 minute intervals to record the vast changes in topography, vegetation, light and soil colour between the two cities. These have formed a valuable part of the study.